Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fire Technology in Skyscrapers

My topic is fire technology in skyscrapers. First of all skyscrapers are very big and tend to carry thousands of people in them. A skyscraper is generally made for very large business that hires lots of people and is there for a long time during the day.  Knowing the fact that thousands of people work in there every day of the week is a huge risk for firefighters in the city for many reasons. First reason is that if there is any sort of fire at all in the building everyone needs to be evacuated as fast and as safe as possible. Secondly if there are fires on the top floors than it takes firefighters a little bit to get up there which is usually 50 to 60 floors high. This makes it very hard for firefighters to get there very quickly.
When big fires like 911 happen there is lots of smoke and flammable gas which just makes it easier for fire to spread and for people to die. When skyscrapers catch on fire is supper hard to find every single body that works in that building and pull them out alive, because there are way more victims than there are firefighters until more firefighters arrive on the scene. Also if it is in the middle of the day and the middle of the week there are going to be tons of people going in and out of skyscrapers and if they see smoke or flames there going to want to stay there and it just makes them get in your way a lot easier.
 The main fire technology tool that is used is any type of camera such as the TIC. Also fighting a skyscraper fire is the most dangerous type of all fires because the floor could collapse at any point in time and it will not give you any warning. Another issue is that there is always so much radio traffic that it is out of control and you can’t accomplish anything you have to make judgments on your own and hope that not only is it a smart move but that it is a safe move for you and your partner. For more information about my topic please visit this website for more information, thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Good post Isaiah. One thing I would like to see is you talk about things locally with fire technology. Since we are a smaller community we don't have skyscrapers, unfortunately. Seeing how local technology works would be good to know. Still a great post! C.D.
